HUANG Xiaoqing,YU Shenqian,ZHU Bin,DUAN Jianyan,HU Xiaorui,HUANG Hui.Review of mobile charging and discharging facility technology and its planning and operation research[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):246-254
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黄小庆1, 于慎仟1, 朱彬2, 段建焱1, 胡晓锐2, 黄会2
1.湖南大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082;2.国网重庆市电力公司营销服务中心,重庆 400023
关键词:  电动汽车  移动充电桩  移动放电  智能插座  移动充放电车  调度  运营
Review of mobile charging and discharging facility technology and its planning and operation research
HUANG Xiaoqing1, YU Shenqian1, ZHU Bin2, DUAN Jianyan1, HU Xiaorui2, HUANG Hui2
1.College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;2.State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company Marketing Service Center, Chongqing 400023, China
At present, the demand for charging and discharging is regional and time-limited. Fixed charging facilities have problems such as insufficient total amount, difficult expansion and low utilization rate. Mobile charging facilities have received extensive attention due to their mobile convenience. Eight typical application scenarios of mobile charging and discharging facilities, and three main types of mobile charging and discharging facilities, i. e. “intelligent socket + mobile charging pile”,mobile charging vehicle without energy storage device and mobile charging and discharging vehicle with energy storage device are expounded. Then, the key technologies such as planning layout, scheduling operation, operation mode and price mechanism, key components and security are analyzed. The development mode of mobile charging and dischar-ging facili-ties is summarized and prospected in seven key aspects, such as mobile mode selection.
Key words:  electric vehicles  mobile charging pile  mobile discharge  smart socket  mobile charging and discharging vehicle  scheduling  operation

