引用本文:赵金利,宿洪智,李 鹏,于 浩,焦冰琦.基于灵敏度分析的微电网互动运行成本计算方法[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(6):
ZHAO Jinli,SU Hongzhi,LI Peng,YU Hao,JIAO Bingqi.Cost calculation based on sensitivity analysis for interactive operation of microgrid[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(6):
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赵金利1, 宿洪智1, 李 鹏1, 于 浩2, 焦冰琦1
1.天津大学 智能电网教育部重点实验室,天津 300072;2.国网天津市电力公司检修公司,天津 300230
关键词:  微电网  配电网  互动  需求响应  分时电价  灵敏度分析  成本  计算
Cost calculation based on sensitivity analysis for interactive operation of microgrid
ZHAO Jinli1, SU Hongzhi1, LI Peng1, YU Hao2, JIAO Bingqi1
1.Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;2.State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Maintenance Company,Tianjin 300230,China
The cost of microgrid for its interactive operation with distribution network decides its participating depth and width,for which,a calculation method based on the sensitivity analysis is proposed. An interactive operation framework of microgrid with distribution network is designed and an optimal microgrid dispatch model considering the electricity purchase cost,electricity sale revenue and distributed generation cost is established,based on which,an optimal microgrid dispatch model considering the capacity needed by the interactive operation is proposed. The sensitivity analysis is applied to obtain the relationship between the capacity and cost of interactive operation. The study of a typical case verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key words:  microgrid  distribution network  interaction  demand response  time-of-use electricity price  sensitivity analysis  costs  calculation

