ZHANG Yuwei,HU Haitao,GENG Anqi,CHEN Junyu,GE Yinbo,WANG Ke.Capacity optimization configuration of hybrid energy storage system for electrified railway considering peak load shifting[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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张育维, 胡海涛, 耿安琪, 陈俊宇, 葛银波, 王科
西南交通大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 611756
关键词:  电气化铁路  削峰填谷  混合储能系统  容量配置
Capacity optimization configuration of hybrid energy storage system for electrified railway considering peak load shifting
ZHANG Yuwei, HU Haitao, GENG Anqi, CHEN Junyu, GE Yinbo, WANG Ke
College of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756, China
The rapid development of Chinese electrified railway leads to the critical energy consumption issue, which greatly affects the railway operational benefits. To improve the economic benefits, the recovery and utilization of regenerative braking energy are realized through the hybrid energy storage system. On this basis, an energy management strategy for the electrified railway hybrid energy storage system considering peak load shifting is proposed, which achieves the peak load shifting for railway load by controlling the charging and discharging threshold of energy storage devices. Based on the proposed energy management strategy, an economic optimization model for the full life cycle of the electrified railway hybrid energy storage system is established. This model takes the charging and discharging thresholds and the capacity configuration parameters as the optimization variables, and the maximum net income throughout the full life cycle as the optimization objective, so as to optimize the economy of hybrid energy storage system. The improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to solve a specific case. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the case study and the comparison analysis with other schemes.
Key words:  electrified railway  peak load shifting  hybrid energy storage system  capacity configuration

