WU Jianying,PENG Maolan,WU Jiyang,FENG Lei.Analysis on influencing factors and its countermeasure of resonance of AC/DC system in Xing’an DC project[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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吴健颖, 彭茂兰, 武霁阳, 冯雷
中国南方电网有限责任公司超高压输电公司 检修试验中心,广东 广州 510663
关键词:  常规直流输电  稳定性分析  阻抗扫描  谐振抑制
Analysis on influencing factors and its countermeasure of resonance of AC/DC system in Xing’an DC project
WU Jianying, PENG Maolan, WU Jiyang, FENG Lei
Maintenance & Test Center, EHV Power Transmission Company of China Southern Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663, China
Aiming at the problem of resonance amplification in Xing’an direct current(DC) project, the mechanism of resonance suppression is studied. Based on simultaneously considering the impedance equivalent network of sending-end and receiving-end alternating current(AC) systems and DC system, the impedance characteristics and resonance suppression stability of the equivalent network are studied by frequency scanning method. The results show that there is resonance risk nearby a specific frequency in the AC/DC system of Xing’an DC project, which is consistent with the transient simulative results and resonance suppression phenomena of the testing ground. The influencing factors of the DC oscillation characteristics are simulated and analyzed, and a resonance suppression countermeasure of changing DC-side network impedance is proposed. Simulative results verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy for resonance suppression. Finally, the strategy is applied in the Xing’an DC project, and the resonance phenomenon does not appear in typical operation modes.
Key words:  LCC-HVDC  stability analysis  impedance scan  resonance suppression

